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A new album that warmly captures HA:TFELT's heartfelt story.

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wonderlost 표지

HA:TFELT Digital Single <MEiNE>

  • 발매일 : 2017.10.12
  • 장르 : R&B / Soul

Track List

  1. 1. 새 신발 (I Wander) (Feat. 개코)* title
  2. 2. 나란 책 (Read Me) (Feat. PUNCHNELLO)

Another start of HA:TFLT 'MEiNE'.

'HA:TFELT' marks another beginning with 'MEiNE'.

'MEiNE', a new album that contains a heartwarming story as much as the meaning of 'HA:TFELT'.
The album, which means 'my own, mine' in German, is the first time she frankly tells her story, which she has never told in the past decade, with her own eyes.

Two songs with her desire to show her honest 'me' to her loved ones from now on.
The title track 'I Wander (Feat. Gaeko)' is a song that compares a new beginning to a new one.
It projected the excitement and fear of 'HA:TFELT', which takes its own step,
and looks forward to the moment when new shoes become familiar in the future.
The song 'Read Me (Feat. PUNCHNELLO)' was written as if reading an old diary found in the old drawer of 'HA:TFELT'.
It contains the sincerity of 'HA:TFELT', from the words 'I want to open it up' to the last lyrics, 'Look at me'.

'MEiNE' seems to have been written with a pencil to express the feelings that have not been brought out for a long time.
Now it's time to meet 'HA:TFELT's own music and emotions.